Friday, May 7, 2010

finally oh finally!!

ini salah satu project yang gw kerjain di tempat kerja gw
*selain tugas wajib MENGAJAR MANDARIN*
while i have lots of OTHER things to do,
writing, edit some blanks photoshop(that's one of my passion)
study, having fun wiv frens, 

Tapi setelah dilihat2..
oke lah.
I feel happy too ;-)
definitely TIRED.

i have to study for tomorrow's CCBD!!
(Cerdas Cermat Buddhis Dhammavaddhana)

Seems like 24 hours isn't enough anymore..

JIAYOU NANA!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Beautiful Words ~

Kata kata ini sih bukan gue sendiri yang bikin, hehee.. *sok jujur*
tapii..menurut gue kata-kata ini membuat idup gue jadi berasa lebih BERWARNA!
And i hope it so for your life!
Take a look !

"Cantik itu bahagia jadi diri sendiri"
Nadine Candrawinata - Biore

"Jalani hari dengan berani
tegaskan suara hati ~ "
J-Rocks - Meraih Mimpi

"Look Good By Doing Good."
Maia - Dove

"Thousand were rejected
But You were selected."
*dari binder nya Franciska Ciezz*

"If you want to get a prince,
act and feel like a PRINCESS."
*me!me!me! XD*

"How to be Happy?
Just BE.
How to get happiness?
Just Do It."
MoM Handaka

"Forgiveness doesn't change the past,
But it enlarge the future."

"Rasa persahabatan dimulai dari rasa percaya, nyaman, dan jujur."
My Best Friend - Ira Furmasari

"Bagi dunia, kamu mungkin adalah seseorang,
tapi bagi seseorang, kamu adalah dunianya."

"Nothing happens until it sells."
from Billy PS Lim's Book

"Masa depan tidak terjadi.
Ia diciptakan."

"Would it so wrong try to make him happy?
Even if the love i felt for him was no more than a weak echo of what i capable,
even if my heart was far away,
wandering and grieving after my lovely one?
Would it be so wrong?"
Bella Swan - New Moon

"Untuk menghadapi orang yang ngga punya perasaan, 
kita juga ngga usah pake perasaan."
BCL - Saus Kacang

"You don't love a male because he's handsome,
but he's handsome because you love him."

"A perfect chocolate bar should be bitter sweet,
not all sweet, and certainly not all bitter,
for then you lose all the fun."

"Jika kamu menonjok sebongkah batu,
meskipun batu itu tidak menonjok balik,
kamu akan terluka."
Thich Nhan Hahn

"What goes down, will come UP."
L.A Lights

"Pemberani mungkin tak hidup selamanya,
namun penakut tak hidup sama sekali."
Princess Diaries

"We are all small, but together we are BIG."
Ant the Movie